Location where technology is being evaluated : Hadmatiya Village (Taluka- Gadhara, District- Bhawnagar).
Number of people approximately being served by the technology : 2200
Since when it is in operation? : 2002.
Who Designed / Planned and who implemented / constructed the technology? :
Mr.Chhaganbhai D. Dhola (Gram Panchayat Sarpanch, Hadmatiya)
Mr. Mansukha Lal Pandit
Mr. Omkarbhai Giri
three members committee designed the sanitation system on the bases of Vikaliya village.
Who is taking care of the technology now?: Village Development Committee.
Are there any standards available which need to be fulfilled by the technology? If yes which?: Sanitation.
Are operations and maintenance data records available? :Yes.
Please provide a brief summary of the history/evolution of this technology in the selected case study:
Due to the rocky structure, this area suffered from low level of water percolation as a result of which the streets used to permanently remain muddy as all the water from the domestic use was channeled out in the street by all the households and as a result the need of underground drainage system was felt. After the success story of such a system in a nearby village, Vikaliya, people of Hadmitya too decided to opt for community participation in this regard. The idea was executed successfully in 2002 and the system has been running without any hitches so far and people are quite proud and happy about their community participation venture. The people had collected Rs. 1000 per household. Nearly 60% of the households have adopted while on the other side are the rest of 40% who cannot avail this facility because of their weak financial position and are waiting for the govt. to help them out in this case. They have to go out far away from the village to answer the nature’s call which is particularly problematic in monsoon season or at nights and for women. This place becomes swampy after some time and is mosquito infested leading to spread of diseases. There was also this case of one poor woman with very small kid who cannot afford to go out the whole day because her husband goes out to work and she can’t leave the child alone. |