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Under Ground Sanitation System (Vikaliya) Login
: Vikaliya | : Bhawnagar | : Gujarat | : Sanitation
Vikaliya village (with a population of 5000 persons) in Gadhra Taluka lying in the Bhawnagar district of Gujarat at a distance of nearly 70 kms from Bhawnagar is a recipient of ‘Nirmal Gram Puraskar’. The majority of population is that of Patels (occupying nearly 75% households) followed by Koli Patels (17% households), Harijans (6% households), Rebari (2% households), Brahmins (2% households), etc. Muslims (1% households), Mochi (1% households), Baniya (1% households), Bhangi (1% households) etc. also reside there as minorities. Agriculture is the primary occupation followed by the diamond business factories. Due to black soil in the region which is suitable for the crop of cotton, nearly 80% of the areas are under Bt Cotton. Other crops of the region are groundnut, wheat, bajra, til, etc. The diamonds polishing units in the village are mainly owned by the Patel community. The units are playing an important role in empowering the local women as they can earn more than 5000 rupees a month (depending on their skill) by cutting and polishing diamonds. Since women are not allowed to pursue careers far away from the village, this provides an excellent opportunity for economic independence to them.

Location where technology is being evaluated : Vikaliya Village (Taluka- Gadhara, District- Bhawnagar).

Number of people approximately being served by the technology : Approximately 5000 (with 500 houses).

Since when it is in operation? : 1989

Who Designed / Planned and who implemented / constructed the technology? :
Mr. Jivrajbhai Adhavbhai Singhala, Mr. Mohanbhai Yadavbhai Singhala and Mr. Kanjibhai Merambhai Der

Who is taking care of the technology now? : Village Development Committee.

Are there any standards available which need to be fulfilled by the technology? If yes which? : Sanitation.

Are operations and maintenance data records available? : Yes. Village Development Committee maintains the data.

Please provide a brief summary of the history/evolution of this technology in the selected case study:



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